Osaka, Japan
eScience 2020 brings together leading international researchers and
offers a platform for digital technologies to advance research –
from the humanities to the physical sciences.
Some academic disciplines are well advanced in exploiting digital technologies,
while others are just scratching the surface.
The aim of this conference is cross-fertilization across academic disciplines,
to advance academic research by fully exploiting the use of digital technologies.
The eScience Conference and 2nd Global Research Platform (2GRP) Workshop are
co-located in 2020, as attendees share common interests, content and culture.
The 2GRP Workshop will be held September 7-8, 2020 and
the eScience Conference will be September 8-11, 2020.
Conference attendees will have the option to register for one or
both conferences! On September 8, the two events will have a shared lunch and
evening reception and opportunities to mingle during coffee breaks.
September 8 (Tuesday)
Workshops and Tutorials
Reception (planning)
September 9 (Wednesday)
Main Track
September 10 (Thursday)
Main Track
Conference Dinner (planning)
Septermber 11 (Friday)
Main Track

The 16th eScience Conference (eScience 2020) will be held in Osaka, Japan from September 8 – 11, 2020.
The eScience 2020 conference promotes innovation in collaborative research and education across all disciplines,
throughout the research lifecycle.
The eScience conference has a long history of hosting a wide range of well-attended workshops
broadly related to eScience. These workshops play a crucial role in the conference
by providing opportunity for researchers to present their work
and to have in-depth discussions of particular topics of interest to the community.
eScience 2020 welcomes proposals for workshops to be held with the main conference on September 8, 2020.
Workshop organizers are responsible for establishing their own program committee, paper submission system,
collecting and evaluating submissions, notifying authors of acceptance or rejection in due time,
ensuring a transparent and fair selection process, organizing selected papers into sessions,
and assigning session chairs. Proposals that show clear focus and objectives in areas of emerging
or developing interest guaranteed to generate significant interest in the community will be prioritized.
The proceedings of the workshops will be included in the eScience 2020 proceedings. As such,
workshop organizers must follow the publication timeline of the main conference.
For each paper selected for publication, at least one of the authors must be registered for
eScience 2020 to present the paper in person.
/ Key Dates /
Workshop Submissions Due: Friday March 06, 2020
Workshop Submissions Due: Friday March 20, 2020
Workshop Submissions Due: Friday April 3, 2020 (Final extension)
Workshop Acceptance Notification: Friday March 20, 2020
Workshop Acceptance Notification: Friday April 3, 2020
Workshop Acceptance Notification: Friday April 17, 2020 (Final extension)
All Camera-ready Submissions Due: Friday August 07, 2020
Workshop Date: Tuesday September 08, 2020
We invite proposals for half and full-day tutorials to be held at eScience 2020 on September 8, 2020.
The eScience 2020 Tutorial Program is intended to disseminate information to conference attendees
on recently emerging topics and trends in eScience, provide surveys and overviews of related digital technologies,
and teach new and/or state-of-the art tools and techniques relevant to the eScience audience.
We encourage submissions that fall in the area of the conference, and specially those that
have a practical (hands-on) part that help attendees on learning the new technologies presented in the tutorial.
Please send any inquiries to [escience2020-tutorials@cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp]
eScience 2020 Tutorials Program Co-Chairs:
Atsuko Takefusa, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Fang-Pang Lin, National Center for High-performance Computing, Taiwan
/ Schedule /
Tutorial Submissions Due: Friday April 10, 2020
Tutorial Acceptance Notification: Friday June 12, 2020
Tutorial Date: Tuesday September 08, 2020